Wake-Up-Call !! Restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues in UK may soon require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter

Uppenbarelseboken 13
16Och det förmår alla, både små och stora, både rika och fattiga, både fria och trälar, att låta giva sig ett märke på högra handen eller på pannan, 17så att ingen får vare sig köpa eller sälja något, utom den som är märkt med vilddjurets namn eller dess namns tal.

Jag låter det vara osagt om kommande Covid vaccin är det “Märke” Bibeln talar om men om det inte är det så är det i alla fall ett förberedande inför det för det. Det som talar för att detta är förutom ett Vaccin också ett Chip är för att det passar mycket väl in in Agenda: ID 2020. Om ID2020 skrev jag om redan för över ett år sedan och denna agenda har planerats långt innan denna Pandemin. Är detta en tillfällighet eller är Covid planerad av en grupp individer.

Restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues in UK may soon require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter

U.K. restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues may require proof that people received COVID-19 vaccinations in order for them to visit, Britain’s vaccine minister said Monday.   

Nadhim Zahawi, the U.K.’s vaccine minister, said getting vaccinated should be voluntary, but a phone app used for contact tracing may include a person’s vaccine status, which businesses could use. 

“But also I think you’d probably find that restaurants and bars and cinemas and other venues, sports venues, will probably also use that system as they’ve done with the app,” Zahawi told the BBC.ADVERTISEMENT

“The sort of pressure will come both ways: from service providers – who will say ‘look, demonstrate to us that you have been vaccinated’ – but also we will make the technology as easy and accessible as possible,” he added, according to Reuters

When Zahawi was asked whether it would be almost impossible to do anything without the vaccine, he said: “I think people have to make a decision but I think you’ll probably find many service providers will want to engage in this in the way they did with the app.”

Several COVID-19 vaccines are getting close to being distributed across the U.S. and U.K. in recent weeks, as the worldwide death toll has reached 1.4 million people. The coronavirus pandemic has negatively impacted businesses around the world, as shutdowns interrupted business.  

Moderna announced on Monday that it will apply for emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its vaccine, which it says is 94.1 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 and 100 percent effective against severe COVID-19. The U.K., among other countries, is already conducting reviews for the vaccine.

Zahawi declined to say when any vaccine would become available as none have been approved for use yet. 

He also noted to BBC that Google, Facebook and Twitter need to conduct more fact-checking on anti-vaccine posts to improve the public outlook on vaccinations, Reuters reported. 

Källa: The Hill